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  • Writer's pictureDr. Doug Pooley

Why choose chiropractic care?

For many consumers looking for effective treatment of back, neck, shoulder, hip or knee pain, treatment options are like a caldron where effectiveness, cost efficiency and controversy all blur in a soup of uncertainty. Thanks to the internet for every pro there is a negative counter-point, with scientific studies being repeatedly challenged for bias and inaccuracy. Even after research, it is often difficult to know what treatment option would prove the best fit for your particular concerns. Well as a chiropractor, I know I have a vested interest, but let me just present a few facts for consideration:

Chiropractic is safe: When compared to other more traditional alternative treatments for back and neck pain such as prescription and non-prescription medications, the incidence of injury associated with chiropractic care is far less. (…negative incidence with traditional medications such as acetaminophen… More than 56,000 emergency room visits, 2,600 hospitalizations and an estimated 458 deaths due to acute liver failure in 2013. When looking at the safety of chiropractic care in the treatment of neck pain and headache, the actual incidence of stroke or VAD following cervical manipulation was found to be one per 5.85 million cervical adjustments. That means that the average chiropractor could work for 1430 years (or practice 48 full chiropractic careers!) before they might be involved with this type of litigation. Looking at the safety of chiropractic care in treatment of the lower back, of the 30 “cauda-equina” complications (the worst potential outcome) associated with manipulation reported in the French, German and English literature over an 80 year period, only 8 were allegedly related to chiropractic treatment. There is no clinical or case-control study that demonstrates or even implies that chiropractic spinal manipulation is unsafe in the treatment of low-back pain.

Chiropractic is effective: Chiropractic was one of the original 5 professions regulated by the provincial government as part of the Health Disciplines Act of 1991. In order for regulation to occur the profession had to undergo rigorous scrutiny to determine both its effectiveness as a member of the healing arts as well as benefits to the public well being. Numerous studies in peer reviewed journals continue to demonstrate the health benefits of chiropractic care.

Chiropractic is more than back and neck pain: Under the Health Disciplines Act, chiropractors demonstrated expertise are qualified to treat not only the spine and pelvis, but all of the joints of the body and related soft tissues. The relationship between pelvic, hip, knee and ankle pain is just logical with injury to any of the above joint complexes eventually resulting in compromise of the other related joint structures and soft tissues. Effective chiropractic care can not only eliminate joint pain but also successfully ensure that other related articulations remain functional and healthy.

Chiropractic is safe and exceptionally effective for the treatment of arthritis related pain: Arthritis is epidemic in Western society, with most being related to wear and tear associated with abnormal joint positioning and functional mechanics. Joints are designed to last a lifetime and do not break down without cause. It is interesting that recent scientific study is demonstrating that the “wear and tear” traditionally associated with arthritic changes may now be more a matter of de-conditioning associated with our sedentary workplace and leisure habits. Regardless of the cause, when joints don’t move properly, they eventually break down, this is just logical. Chiropractic is the only profession dedicated to ensuring proper joint function. This makes us your best hedge in avoiding the development of arthritis or slowing down and minimizing the effects of existing osteo-arthritis.  By simply normalizing joint function pressure is reduced on inflamed joint surfaces, which diminishes inflammation lessening discomfort.

Chiropractic care is cost-effective : Compared to other therapeutic interventions chiropractic care is extremely cost effective and efficient. The average person utilizes chiropractic care between 8-12 visits for a cost of between $350.00 ---$500.00. To put it in perspective, the cost to OHIP for one emergency room visit in Toronto averages $219.00. So for the approximate cost of two ER visits you get all the chiropractic care you need.  The average cost of braces for teeth is approximately $5000.00 which is more than most people will spend on chiropractic care in a lifetime.

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